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Blood Bound Page 4
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Page 4
He snorted. “How? Gonna splash your blood on me if I kill you?”
“You're such an asshole.”
He chuckled. “I know. One of my better qualities.” He had the gall to cast a longing glance at Portia. “I wouldn't mind taking that one for a test drive.”
“You son of a bitch!” I stepped forward, jabbing him in the chest. “So help me, you lay one finger on her, and I will snap every appendage off your body!”
“You could try, but we both know exactly how weak you are. I can do anything I want to her, and you couldn't do a thing to stop me. You are at my mercy, so watch your mouth, boy.”
“Try me,” I said, shoving him hard and he fell backward several steps.
“Stop!” Portia's voice interrupted, and both of us glanced at her. She'd jumped from the bed, glaring between us. “What's going on here?”
I clenched my jaw, not wanting to drag her into my father's depraved delusions. When I didn't reply, she looked at Damien.
“What's the problem?”
He grinned like an idiot, clearly enjoying himself. Damn, I hated him.
“I have no problem at all.” He raised his hands as if he were totally the innocent victim in all this.
“Vance?” Portia asked, staring back at me.
“Just forget it, Portia.” I wasn't going to star in The Damien Games. I went over to her. “I didn't mean to wake you up. Why don't you come get some more rest? You've been through a lot lately.” I couldn't help casting a glare at my dad.
“No,” Portia replied, standing her ground. “Not until someone tells me what's going on.”
I stared at her for a moment before deciding she wasn't going to let this slide. “Fine!” I steered her behind me, so I was between her and my father. I didn't even want his eyes on her. “You want to know what is going on, Portia? I woke up this morning and found him sitting on the edge of our bed, stroking your hair!”
“What?” Her eyes widened in shock. To my displeasure, she moved around me to face him. He moved closer, reaching out to brush her chin.
“Just admiring the view, love. No harm done.” His eyes drifted suggestively over her, shots of red filling his eyes as lust raced through him.
Heat flooded me as rage engulfed me. Bellowing, I raced around Portia like a mad man, plowing into the bastard. Tumbling to the floor, I was rewarded with the hard smack his head made against the stone. Blood ran rapidly across the floor, and I straddled him, letting my fist fly with all the force I had, pounding into his face. Red sprayed from his nose and mouth as I repeatedly connected with them, getting in as many punches as I could before he could respond.
“Enough!” he babbled, spraying me with spittle. A massive force rolled through him, and suddenly I was flying through the air.
Slamming the wall hard, my breath was knocked from me as I slumped to the floor. Dragging myself to my feet, I sucked in air, watching as The Awakening quickly worked to repair the damage I'd inflicted. “You stay away from her!”
“I'm the one giving the orders around here,” he replied, jumping to his feet as if he hadn't ever been injured. “Not you, son, so you better get used to it.”
“When it comes to Portia, nothing you say will supersede my word. She belongs to me, Dad, and you'll not touch her! She's mine, bound by magic and by God, and you will not interfere!” My chest heaved as I spoke, and I struggled to hold onto the emotion that threatened to expose me.
Damien just laughed, a pure evil sound that resonated with triumph. “Do you honestly think there's a God out there that cares anything about you now? Look at you!” He waved a hand over me. “You're evil incarnate, born and bred to serve a higher power than any so-called god. Stick with me, and I will teach you how to become a deity like this world has never seen, but don't waste your time on vain religious fluff, son. It's beneath you.”
Rage clouded my vision, but Portia stepped between us before I could reply.
“How dare you! Since when have you become so all-knowing as to pass judgment on another? Just because you're a sick, depraved individual doesn't mean he has to be as well! How dare you ridicule the bonds of our relationship. I love him and only him.” She looked like a Greek goddess facing down an enemy. “I don't know what game you're playing at, or what you're hoping to accomplish by it, but stop! Do you hear me? Stop it now! I'll never leave him so quit with your delusions! I wouldn't love you if you were the last man on this planet!”
Anger danced in his eyes, and before I could move, he grabbed her and pulled her into his embrace. “Love has nothing to do with it!” he snarled. Roughly, he pressed his lips to hers.
Oh, hell no! It was on! I charged him, a war-worthy battle cry on my lips. I didn't make it two steps before I was flying through the air again, slamming the far cavern wall. I saw Portia shove Damien, and he released her, heading toward me.
Good. I didn't care what he did to me, as long as he wasn't focusing on her. Climbing to my feet, I blasted an arc of fire toward him, but it didn't even slow him down. The Awakening made him too strong, and he continued to advance, grabbing me by the throat and pressing me to the wall as he choked the air from me.
I clawed at his fingers, but quickly saw it wasn't going to help me. Swinging at his face, my punch hit him in the eye, causing him to stagger backward and release his hold. I sank to the floor, gasping for air, but barely had time to drag in a breath before he picked me up and tore into my neck. I felt skin and arteries rip from my body, and blood squirted thickly into the air.
He dropped me on the floor like I was nothing.
“No!” Portia screamed, racing toward him and jumping onto his back.
It was the last thing I saw before I died.
Gasping as I woke, my body was quickly regenerating. I needed more blood. Eyes flitting around, I saw Portia slumped beside me, a thin ice shard protruding from one of her hands. She'd staked herself to draw her own blood.
I didn't know what had transpired in my absence, but it was clear she was suffering from blood loss. That could only mean one thing. My dad had drunk from her.
Hating myself, I sank my teeth into her palm. I needed whatever she could give me so I could stand guard over her while she slept. Her heartbeat grew slower and slower, but I forced myself to take what she had left, knowing that was what she'd intended for me to do.
Her breathing stopped, and I weakly dropped her arm. I slumped beside her, letting her blood repair my damaged body. After several minutes, I grabbed her waist and pulled her from the blood puddle, dragging her over to the wall. I leaned against it, moving her body into the apex of my legs, and wrapped myself around her.
It was the best tactical position I could come up with. No one could approach me from behind, and I could see and attack coming long before it reached us.
Sighing heavily, I knew I didn't have a prayer of actually protecting her if the need arose. My father was too strong for me right now. Still, I'd let him kill me over and over if it would keep his attention off Portia.
I hated feeling so weak and helpless. I wasn't used to it. Being the underdog in a fight had never been something I'd had to deal with. It was a hard pill to swallow, and judging from our current circumstances, I was doing a pretty poor job of everything.
“I'm so sorry, baby,” I whispered into Portia's hair. Tears dripped down my face. “I wished you'd never met me. Your life would be so much better without me in it.” It hurt to even think about a life without her. She was everything good in my world. I didn't want her gone, but it was destroying me to see these things happening to her. This wasn't the future I'd imagined for us, captured, imprisoned, left to the whims and wills of others who would use us for their own greed. If I had realized what trauma knowing her would bring, I'd have never reached out to her. I should've just kept running, instead of staying in Sedona.
“Stop it,” I said aloud. It was pointless to think this way. I couldn't change anything about the past, so I needed to figure out a way to fix the present, so we could be happy together. Until I could do that, we had no future to speak of.
Fingers tangled through my hair. A soft moan escaped me, and I instantly came awake, my sensing coming to full attention as I surveyed the cave for threats. Seeing nothing, my eyes drifted to Portia, panic filling me.
“Portia?” I scanned her body, covered in dried blood. She looked like she'd been through a massacre. “Baby, are you okay?” Her gaze followed mine, and I swallowed thickly. “What did he do to you?” I gripped her tighter, not really wanting to hear the answer.
“Vance. You're hurting me,” she whispered, shifting uncomfortably.
I realized I was squeezing her arm and released my hold.
“I'm okay. Most of this blood is yours.”
Relief flooded me, followed quickly by uncontrolled emotion. I buried my face against her neck, unable to choke back a strangled sound. “I was almost positive he had . . .” I couldn't finish the words. I didn't want to ever hear them regarding her.
I cried. Legitimately cried, letting her hold me. I hated that I couldn't protect her—hated that we were stuck in this place at the mercy and whims of my father.
“After he attacked you, he froze me,” Portia said, slowly.
I could hear the hesitation in her voice, and I stiffened, waiting for the bomb to drop.
“He has my dad. He showed him to me. He's manacled to a chair just like you were, and Damien has been feeding from him.”
“Oh, Portia.” I couldn't help the sigh of relief, even though hearing about Sean being prisoner wasn't good news either. “I'm so sorry, baby. I had no idea. He never said anything about him to me.”
“There's more,” she added.
Dammit. “Go on.” I knew it was going to be bad because she st
arted trembling.
“He kissed me—intimately. I couldn't do anything about it. He ran his hands over my skin, touching me.”
Everything inside me turned cold. “What else,” I asked, my tone low and threatening.
“He fed from me.” Her voice was shaking. “From my wrist, my collarbone, and my bottom lip.”
Hot rage replaced the icy fear in my veins. Lifting her from my lap, I set her beside me and climbed to my feet. Walking away, I scrubbed my face, trying to control the boiling tempest of emotions inside me. My hands slid upward, and I grabbed my hair, feeling like I could rip it all out, I was so angry.
“Aarrrrggh!” I shouted, the sound echoing loudly off the walls. It was at that moment that I linked up with Portia's mind, hearing her thoughts as she wondered if she was ruined now, and would I ever want to touch her again. “No!” I swung around to face her. “You stop it right now!”
She started crying. “Stop what?”
“Quit thinking what you're thinking!” Moving beside her, I grabbed her by the shoulders. “This is not your fault! None of this is your fault!” Shit! I was yelling at her. She didn't need more abuse, she needed comforting. I softened my hold, staring into her teary eyes. “You're a victim in all of this, baby. Don't let doubts prey on you now. You've done nothing wrong.”
“Yes, I have,” she said, fear present in her expression.
“What do you mean?” I was scared now.
“I made a deal with him.” Her voice was a mere whisper.
“What kind of deal?” My jaw flexed as I waited for the revelation.
“I had to promise I would do something for him when he asked.”
“What're you to do exactly?” My heart thudded like it might flop right out of my chest.
“I don't know. He wouldn't tell me.” She swallowed thickly.
“You made a promise to him without knowing what was required of it?” Was she serious? “Portia! Why?”
“Because he said he would kill you and my dad or turn him into a demon if I didn't help. He said his . . .” she hesitated, searching my eyes before continuing, “his assault on me today was to prove to me he's the one in charge here, and there's nothing you, or my dad, can do to protect me. He said if I made him this promise and kept my word, then he wouldn't touch or violate me in any way.”
Relief flooded through me in a massive wave. I gathered her into my embrace, thankful she'd accepted his demand. “You did the right thing. I'm positive whatever he wants you to do will be awful, but you've bought some time, and you've protected yourself too. That's important. You did the right thing.”
“I'm sorry, Vance,” she said, hanging tightly onto me. “I didn't know what else to do.”
“Shhhh.” I gave a small kiss I hoped was reassuring, then stood and pulled her to her feet. She looked so frail and hopeless, and I hated it. I lifted her. “Come on. Let's get you cleaned up.”
Portia nuzzled against me as I carried her to the bathroom. It was the best feeling in the world. I helped her get undressed and into the water, but I didn't join her, instead taking up a position by the door. There was no way I was risking letting Mr. Creepwad Asshole get anywhere near her.
“I'll hurry,” she promised.
“Don't. I want you to relax and take your time. You've been through a lot today.”
She didn't argue, and I was grateful. I had too many things on my mind, namely trying to figure out what kind of task he might want her to do, and how I might keep her from having to do anything of the sort.
My eyes never left her, watching as she washed her long hair until it was sleek and shiny again. “I can't fathom what he could possibly need you to do,” I said, and she glanced up.
“Me either.”
“The only thing I'm sure of is that he's up to no good.” I couldn't drag my eyes away from her. Hell, I was practically afraid to blink for fear my dad would use the time to steal her away. “I won't leave you, you know? Whatever it is he wants you to do, I'm coming with you.” There was no way I'd let that bastard spend one moment alone with her.
“Vance,” she replied, shaking her head. “You can't do anything to rock the boat. I don't want to give him any reason to break his end of the bargain. I need to know you and my dad are going to be safe.”
A derisive snort escaped me as my anger flared again—anger at myself. “I hate feeling this way, Portia. I'm completely useless. It's like I'm a helpless little boy.”
She stared at me for a moment, unspeaking, before glancing over at the far wall. “Would you hand me that towel, please?” She stood, water and bubbles sluicing in rivulets down her fantastic body. If she meant to redirect my attention, she'd done so successfully.
“No. Just relax for a while. You need it.” I felt guilty for disturbing her.
“Vance, I can't relax with you sitting there all covered in blood. Now hand me the dang towel!” she snapped harshly.
I couldn't help it. I started laughing.
Her brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
“I do believe this is the first time I've been ordered about by an angry, naked, woman covered in bubbles.” Rising, I fetched her towel and went to the tub, holding it out.
“You're such an idiot,” she replied, rolling her eyes.
“That may be true,” I said, wrapping the fluffy towel around her, and hugging her. “But I'm your idiot.” Smiling, I kissed her forehead.
“And that's a fact I couldn't be more thrilled about.” She flashed a dazzling smile. It made me feel weak in the knees. “Now get into the tub. It's my turn to stand guard,” she ordered, shoving me away and moving toward the closet.
“Hey,” I called after her, and she looked over her shoulder. Damn, she was so sexy.
“I like it when you're bossy.” Grinning, I let my gaze wander over her towel-clad form.
“I know,” she answered arrogantly, flipping some of her wet hair over her shoulder and continuing into the closet.
“What do you mean, you know?” I asked, chuckling.
“I mean, I know. I've discovered there's nothing about me Vance Mangum doesn't absolutely adore.”
A burst of laughter escaped me. “Touché,” I replied, taking a step forward. Stopping, I glanced down at my bloody clothes. I couldn't chase after her right now. I looked up, finding her watching me and I shrugged. “I love you.” This girl made my heart do flipflops.
“I know,” she replied, keeping up her attitude. Both of us laughed. “Get into the tub, filthy guy. Hop to it!”
“Yes, ma'am!” I replied and began taking off my clothes, sad when she disappeared from view. I sank into the hot, soapy water and began scrubbing my skin. It felt good to get clean, and I was thankful we'd been offered this luxury. It was incredible how things often taken for granted could mean the most during times of crisis.
I hadn't been in the water very long when an overwhelming wave of grief washed over me. It wasn't coming from me, though. It was from Portia. Immediately, I climbed out of the tub and hurried into the dressing room. I found her curled up in a ball on her side of the closet sobbing. It didn't take a genius to know the trauma of the day had caught up with her.
Kneeling, I wrapped my arms around her, whispering her name as worry and concern for her gripped my heart. She turned, burying her face against my wet chest, her arms wrapping around me as I held her close.
I kissed her hair. “It's okay, baby. Let it out.” I pressed my lips against her repeatedly, attempting to whisper words of comfort, but not knowing if anything was helping. “You're so strong. It's okay to cry.”
She held onto me like she was drowning, and I was her life raft. I didn't mind. I owed her everything.
Once her tears began to subside, I helped her to her feet. I hooked her chin, lifting it so I could stare into her red, swollen eyes. “Portia, I love you.”
She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her mouth to mine. Heat rolled through me at her passionate response. I kissed her back, feeling the need blazing through us both. Quickly, I swept her into my arms and carried her to bed.
Portia and I jolted awake at the sound of my father loudly clearing his throat. He was sitting at the dining table that hadn't been there before, with places sat for three. Anger rolled through me, seeing him for the first time since he'd assaulted her.